Welcome to The MachineGenes Group
EMI Logo Main

Evolving Machine Intelligence Pty Ltd (EMI) is a pure R&D entity, developing novel artificial intelligence technologies that enable machines to understand and control complex systems (including other machines) non-invasively. Using new forms of evolutionary machine learning (ML), The MachineGenes Group is able to evolve and grow fully-explainable digital twins of complex highly-nonlinear machines as if they were living organisms. These digital twins are evolved using tiny fragments of noise-polluted partial sensor data, in a simulated environment. They are then interpreted using novel forms of generative adversarial AI, able to run on isolated Edge devices. The provisional patents describing and protecting our forms of evolutionary ML and generative adversarial AI were filed in June 2014, before Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) were unveiled by Goodfellow et al.

In 2015 EMI formed the commercial company Turbine MachineGenes, to enable machine-intelligent reconstruction of high-value high-complexity engines and other relevant industrial systems worldwide.
TMG Logo

In 2024 The MachineGenes Group is finally emerging from stealth mode, to announce its capabilities to a global audience.

Team MachineGenes was a semifinalist in IBM Watson's AI XPRIZE competition, showcasing medical applications of the novel evolutionary machine learning / generative adversarial AI platform used by Evolving Machine Intelligence, Turbine MachineGenes and Diabetes Neuromathix .

Click here for more details.


At EMI and TMG, our software evolves candidate mathematical models and conducts machine-intelligent testing of their assumptions and ambiguities, exploring the worst-case effects of "known unknowns" by playing against a machine-intelligent adversary. Then, by communicating the consequent processes, models, assumptions and advice clearly and interactively to human operators - by being transparent, in contrast to the obscurity of neural networks - our software is able to generate high-confidence machine-intelligent strategies to control engineering systems and implement these strategies for real-world applications.


Current applications of our algorithms include analysis of aviation engines and (elsewhere) the development of an artificial pancreas. Other areas of interest include maritime engines, oil and gas wells, power generation, complex industrial systems and other high-performance applications.



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icon 1 PO Box 6401, St Lucia, Brisbane QLD 4067, Australia

icon 2 +61 410 477 049

icon 3  www.machinegenes.com

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