Another US Patent Issued

June 2024

In early July the US Patent Office will issue another US patent protecting various aspects of our new forms of evolutionary machine learning and generative adversarial artificial intelligence: Patent No. 12,026,438. We have also filed another continuation patent pending.

Vale Air Marshal (Ret'd) Errol McCormack AO, RAAF

April 2024

It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of AM (Ret'd) Errol McCormack, former Chief of Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force. He was advisor to and tireless advocate for The MachineGenes Group, encouraging us during times of adversity when we were struggling to achieve traction. Rest in Peace, Errol.

Feasibility study completed

December 2021

Following a 6-month study, the team of Turbine MachineGenes has established the feasibility of evolving and growing explicit 'digital twins' (computational models) of sophisticated double-spool aviation engines from very short segments of available (noise-polluted, partial) sensor data, as if those digital twins were living organisms. This involves massively-parallel computing architectures, evolving high-complexity explicit models of thermodynamics and fluid flow.

US Patent Issued

February 2020

The US Patent Office has just issued a US patent protecting our new forms of evolutionary machine learning and adversarial artificial intelligence: Patent No. 10,565,329. We have also filed a continuation patent pending (United States Patent Application No. 15/323199).

AI XPRIZE Semifinalist!

January 2020

Team MachineGenes is now listed as one of the ten semifinalist teams worldwide in the running for the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE.

XPRIZE Field Audit

December 2019

Our Brisbane team hosted representatives from the AI XPRIZE for a two-day field audit in late 2019. Watch footage of highlights from their visit to Team MachineGenes, while we are working on a medical application of our underlying ML/AI platform.

AI for Good

May 2019

Team MachineGenes' work was showcased at the 2019 United Nations' AI for Good Global Summit exhibition. Special thanks to Advance Queensland and The University of Queensland for their sponsorship of Team MachineGenes.

Recognition from the University of Queensland

March 2019

Read a recent press release from UQ about EMI, TMG and sister company Diabetes Neuromathix in the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE.

Interview with Little Tokyo Two

February 2019

Listen to a recent podcast with Dr Nigel Greenwood by Brisbane-based incubator, Little Tokyo Two.


January 2019

Team MachineGenes is now listed as one of the top-10 teams worldwide in the running for the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE. Out of 147 approved teams (plus a wildcard) in 2017, only 30 teams remain after successive rounds of expert peer review. Team MachineGenes is the only team left in the world outside Europe and North America.

Westpac's Businesses of Tomorrow

July 2018

Turbine MachineGenes was named one of Westpac's 2018 Businesses of Tomorrow. A further press release is available here.

Patents Awarded

July 2018

The Australian and Singaporean Patent Offices have now granted patents for our evolutionary AI.

Myriad 2018 Interview with Dr Greenwood

May 2018

Team MachineGenes in XPRIZE Round 2

December 2017

Team MachineGenes is one of 59 teams to have advanced to Round 2 of the IBM Watson XPRIZE. Read more here.

An Interview with Dr Greenwood

June 2017


April 2017

Team MachineGenes is now one of 147 teams, selected out of a total of 683 applicants, in the running for the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE after a peer-review by world experts in AI.

Ignite Ideas Round 2 Funding

13 April 2017

EMI was awarded an Ignite Grant by the Queensland Government!

Myriad Conference

March 2017

TMG presented at the Myriad Conference hosted in Brisbane on the 31st of March.

Patent application enters national phase

30 December 2016

EMI patent application enters national phase in USA, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.

Engineers Australia

7 April 2016

A brief profile on EMI and TMG by Engineers Australia [...]

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

22 March 2016

EMI has received funding under the Queensland Government's Knowledge Transfer Partnerships program to employ a postdoctoral researcher to build and demonstrate a modelling tool for aviation engines, to significantly reduce engine maintenance costs and risks.

m New website launched

16 February 2016

The EMI/TMG website was re-released today! Watch this space for more updates on our capabilities, applications, press releases and projects [...]

EMI/TMG wins major job

17 December 2015

We celebrated a job win from a globally eminent client.

Anthill Award

4 December 2015

Evolving Machine Intelligence was last night awarded Winner of the Anthill Cool Company - Innovation Category out of 100 finalists in the Anthill Top 100 Cool Company list [...] See ilab's associated post and Tweet.

Patent Ruling

September 2015

The International Examiner has issued its preliminary finding, ruling all 70 claims of the EMI patent application (at PCT stage) to be globally novel, inventive and of industrial application.

Patent Application Lodged

June 2015

International (PCT) patent pending for new forms of evolutionary/swarm-intelligent reconstruction and machine-intelligent adaptive control of complex, highly-nonlinear dynamical systems, using noise-polluted partial information.

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